Thursday, February 07, 2013

The Great Spanking Anthology: Volume 5

Words: 78,463
Category: general
Orientation: M/F
Click HERE for further details and purchase options.
APPOINTMENT BY PROXY by Spankerotic: In this tale, two mothers agree to accept an old fashioned kind of punishment from the Headmaster, on behalf of their wayward daughters in exchange for their not being expelled from the school. However, things take on a sexual direction, involving a local publican and the school secretary.
AUNT SARAH'S SLIPPERING by Stanlegh Meresith: David's beloved Gramps has just died and the family have been summoned to the reading of the will. David and his cousin Robert are left £10,000 each in the will with the remaining assets being split equally between his father, his Uncle Ted and his Aunt Sarah. However Aunt Sarah's bequest comes with a condition that she be spanked by her brothers, in front of the assembled relatives.
BETTER THAN THE MOVIES by Rue Chapman: Briony is abandoned by her girl friend, and then meets a man called Jack in the cinema who, in between the banter, helps her to eat popcorn and ice creams. Their relationship blossoms - but spanking is firmly on the agenda.
THE CODE REVIEW by Marcus: A work evaluation leaves Ingrid with a choice: A humiliating dressing down in front of her peers, or a private spanking. She chooses the latter, and learns her appraiser plans to give her a hand spanking in three parts, a strapping, and a caning. After the final phases of Ingrid’s punishment leave her bottom red and striped, a secret about her work review is revealed.
CRACKER BARREL by Rollin: Tracy is fed up with her husband Dex and his frugal ways and she wants a divorce. He comes to her rescue though and takes her back home for the night. On route she spots a familiar sign that brings back memories and forces her to take a long hard look at her own behaviour. She asks Dex to stop so she can buy something, intent on getting things back on track.
THE DREAM by Sampast: She sees him several times, and is drawn to him in a strange way. He's a private eye, he says, and she allows him to stay in her flat, which overlooks that of the man he is staking out. But things become strange and surreal, and when she teases and he spanks ...
THE EXCLUSIVE RIDING SCHOOL by Richard Windsor: Amelia Broadhurst-White is a spoiled rich kid whose parents enrol her in a top class riding school. Her arrogant and dismissive attitude soon angers the trainer, who puts her over his knee and teaches her, with hand and crop, just what is expected of her.
FUN by Tiptopper: In a May-December relationship, the young woman suffers her spankings loudly. Eventually, her self-purchased graduation gift clarifies any lingering doubts.
HAIRBRUSH GIRL by Zprymantis: Mandy has always bewailed what she thinks of as her very small bottom which will not properly fill a pair of jeans. She has never been considered able to take a hairbrush spanking, and so her mother embarks on a gentle campaign to increase her weight. On her 21st birthday Mandy is delighted to be able to present the hairbrush to her mother - and to relish the results!
KATY by Tyr: He has never set eyes on Katy before, but she certainly makes an impression - as she clearly does on all of the men and most of the women in the gathering. She seems prepared to tolerate his spanking her and a discussion about birthdays provides the vehicle. It appears as though it was a mutually enjoyable experience which might well be repeated.
THE LESSON by SaraB: She has a lesson to learn and he is intent on teaching her this time that his authority is what should hold good in their relationship. From the corner she is despatched to change into her punishment outfit and she returns obediently and is ready to accept her punishment. As the times passes, he can sense her acceptance of his authority.
LIFE OF THE PARTY by Rick Marlowe: A gentleman meets a woman at a singles bar, invites her to a formal event, and she acts like a complete brat the entire time, and ends up getting an over-the-knee hand spanking at the party.
THE MACHINERY OF JUSTICE by Sir Cambornek: Bored computer whizz Nathalie turns her attentions to the bad side of computers, stealing a new machine from her rival with the intent of making her fortune. When she completes the machine and goes to try it out she finds that Mr Quillian has been one step ahead of her the whole time and now she must pay the price!
MISTRESS MAVEN by Jehedra: Young Angela, in her first job, is impressed and mystified by the remote figure of Ms Maven McConaghie, worshipping her from afar. She instigates a conversation and is given the chance to work for her, although it is not a success. Her heroine invites her to a rock concert and, back at the hotel room later, matters come to a climax.
THE MOORLAND INN by Geraldine Hills: Lost on a stormy moor, Judy is rescued and taken to an Inn - an Inn she somehow missed seeing. Are Tom and Rose all they appear to be?
MYRA BEGINS COLLEGE by Spankzz: Shawn always likes his girlfriends to be young, inexperienced and submissive and Myra fits the bill perfectly. The two start to date and Shawn manages to train her to his exacting standards, and they gradually progress from play spankings to a full blown punishment for a driving offence.
ON THE HORSE by Otkgirl: Having been grounded for drink-driving, deciding to go out anyway was never going to be a good idea. Of course she is soon caught, by the Police of all things and her husband too. She is due a serious spanking and Officer Tiffany gets to watch.
PANTS ON FIRE by Alice Arapahoe: Jane finds herself in big trouble after being daft enough to lie to her very strict parents about where she had been the previous night. She makes her punishment worse by arguing and by reaching back. In the end she is spanked twice that day and still has a further spanking to come at bedtime the next day too.
THE PRESENT by Artofzee: Claudia's birthday present for her husband turns out to be a surprise for her. She finds her bottom - more than her wallet - pays the price of the gift.
PUSHING by Samii: She doesn't know why she does it but she always has to push him, even though she knows full well he will punish her. Anyway he has had enough of her sarcasm for the day and decides that a thorough spanking is in order and a further one at bed time too.
RESEARCH by SNM: A graduate thesis with a difference leads Bishop to agree to partake in a research experiment concerning spanking. He goes to a given address where two women lead him through the process. Just as things are getting exciting though, the terrible truth is revealed!
SITUATION VACANT by Flora Sharp: Sometimes it is easier to share your deepest feelings in a letter rather than face to face. Celia writes to Jess accepting her intentions for their relationship to build, as they work and live together.
SMELT FISHING by Tom Hobbes: He has looked forward to this occasion for years, the first night he'd go out with his father and the other men and their sons, for the smelt were running. Ready long before his father is home, he considers lending a hand to his neighbours and his friend Dennis. He is utterly taken aback when he sees what is happening in their garage.
SPANKED BY SECURITY by Sir James: A hotel security guard finds a young woman urinating on the floor of the hotel. He intends to bar her, but she pleads for another solution, and he tells her the alternative is a damn good spanking. She agrees to his proposal, and he spanks her, restrains her, and takes a strap to her. She is confused by her own reactions to the punishment, and makes a surprising request.
SQUEEZE MY LEMON by Swishswitch: Breaking a school rule, forbidding the possession of water pistols, leads to a very sore bottom for one lad.
STRICTLY ON A SUNDAY by Tim the Tum: In the 1920s a village minister uses and abuses his position of authority to reveal and condemn faults of which he is aware in all members of his congregation. He makes these accusations from the pulpit, from which he produces a cane. While the people shrink from it, he has another plan...
THE STUDY by Susan Thomas: The woman walked down the corridor... she had no idea where she was, nor yet how she had come to be in this place but she did know why she was there: it was to be punished. The gentleman who will punish her, summons many women using the power of their guilt, but is this woman different? Will she be the one who will share his work... and his bed? Before those questions can be answered she must first take the severe punishment due to her.
TEMP(TRESS) by Tara Black: Miss Cooper is late on the first day of her secretarial job, and to make matters worse, the strict Dr Wilkins overhears her rude remark. In order to avoid being dismissed and reported to the Agency, Miss Cooper agrees to receiving six of the best with the cane. Her loose tongue earns her another caning subsequently. Later, Dr Wilkins learns more about the enigmatic Miss Cooper.
TRACING HER ROOTS by Swish Strict: Tracing her roots leads Catherine to the very room where her great great grandmother was subjected to discipline by the butler, many years ago. There she meets a man who is also tracing his roots and soon finds out that his relative was that very same butler!
A TREASURE WILLED TO A FRIEND by Cherry Red: A man is left a sealed box by his friend when he dies. What he finds in the box takes him back in time and reminds him that they shared a common interest.